Sunday, January 26, 2020

Best DeVos compares choice of abortion to choice of Slavery !!

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos compared the choice to have an abortion with the choice to own slaves, saying President Abraham Lincoln also had to contend with a misguided “pro-choice” argument.

DeVos drew barbs for the comparison, but the analogy between slavery and abortion is hardly novel. It is offensive to many who see slavery as America’s singular original sin, but it has been used for decades by abortion opponents seeking to bestow constitutional rights onto developing fetuses and to associate their movement with one that is far more unifying.

Politically, her comments could prove helpful. They are consistent with the views of her boss, President Trump, who has taken a hard-line stance against abortion rights and whose reelection depends on robust support from Christian conservatives. On Friday, he became the first president to speak at the annual antiabortion March for Life.

The education secretary’s remarks came Wednesday evening at an event for a Christian college held at the Museum of the Bible in the District. She touted the Trump administration’s work to advance antiabortion policies, including putting two conservative Supreme Court justices on the bench, and said she hopes to make abortion not just unconstitutional but “unthinkable.”

She then added that the abortion debate reminded her of President Lincoln, who led the fight to preserve the United States and stamp out slavery in the South.

“He too contended with the ‘pro-choice’ arguments of his day,” she said, according to a copy of her remarks provided by the Education Department. “They suggested that a state’s ‘choice’ to be slave or to be free had no moral question in it.”

She said Lincoln “reminded those pro-choicers” that most Americans viewed slavery as a “vast moral evil.”

“Lincoln was right about slavery ‘choice’ then, and he would be right about the life ‘choice’ today,” she said. “Freedom is not about doing what we want. Freedom is about having the right to do what we ought.”

In DeVos’s telling, abortion is an evil akin to slavery, placing those who support legalized abortion rights on a moral par with those who backed slavery in Lincoln’s time.

“To compare anything to slavery is to devalue America’s greatest crime and those who endured. Repulsive,” Rep. Katherine M. Clark (D-Mass.) said on Twitter. Another Massachusetts Democrat, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, wrote: “As a Black woman & the Chair of the abortion access task force, I invite you to come by the Hill and say this to my face. Would welcome the opportunity to educate you.”

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