Sunday, August 17, 2014

Farrakhan on the Killing of Mike Brown & Conspiracy to Destroy Black Youth

Minister Louis Farrakhan addressed the killing of unarmed Michael Brown by Ferguson police in the context of the conspiracy against Black youth in general. Minister Farrakhan delivered a powerful message of guidance and warning from The Nation of Islam's National Center, Mosque Maryam on Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014. Watch the full address @

1 comment:

  1. A very important question is, how will the murder of Michael Brown galvanize citizens? Furthermore what are the implications of realizing the very real fact that within our society a free unarmed citizen can be stopped, gunned down and murdered in the streets of America by an officer of the “Law”. Will this criminal act of violence be a call to citizens throughout the nation that our government and the system of laws we are under no longer and possibly have never served our true interest? Citizens may begin to ask, how did such a environment come into existence. Revolution may be required.
