Contracts worth hundreds of billions of dollars presented to at least 4 countries will run from 2014-2024, a 10-year span in which the Yellowstone supervolcano is expected to erupt, devastating a large portion of the U.S.
By Shepard Ambellas
(INTELLIHUB) — According to a recent report, the African National Congress (ANC) recently turned down a $10B a year disaster management plan offered by the United States to house American citizens who may become displaced in the event that the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts.
The U.S. plan for relocation was formulated after a recent scientific analysis of the park revealed that Yellowstone’s supervolcano has the potential to violently erupt within the next 10-years as noted by others including the famous astrophysicist Michio Kaku.
In fact, Praag, a Pakistani publication, recently reported:
It may take up to ten years for printing in the magma chamber of the super volcano to build. According to Dr. Jean-Philippe Perrillat of the National Centre for Scientific Research in Grenoble, France, “it is the difference in density between the molten magma in the caldera and the surrounding rock big enough for the magma from the chamber to the surface to increase “.
“The effect is the same as the extra buoyancy of a soccer ball under water fill with air, after which it rises to the surface because the surrounding water poet,” said dr. Perrillat. ”If the magma volume is large enough, it should go to the surface to rise and explode like a champagne bottle that ontkurk be.”
According to Dr. Sipho Mathetwe, the South African government “sympathy for the American challenge (challenge) to Yellowstone, but we have our own challenges in South Africa. There are 200 million white people in America, and if too many of them to South Africa flights, it is a big problem, even though there is enough housing and infrastructure available. It will destabilize the country and may even bring back apartheid. South Africa is not for sale.”
According to the report, “Brazil, Argentina and Australia” jumped on the bandwagon, accepting the request from Washington.
Shockingly, this all comes at a time when wild animals have been reported to be fleeing the park from seismic vibrations.
It has also been reported that earthquake swarms in the area have become more rampant.
Intellihub News journalist Shepard Ambellas in a pervious article wrote:
Recent reports suggest that ancient Helium4 gas has breached the surface layers of Yellowstone’s crust,escaping into the atmosphere. Now couple that with the recent and abrupt ground level rise in the park–and we may be looking at a spell for disaster.
I mean after all, as Michio Kaku, famous theoretical physicist, pointed out on a Jan. 2011 CNN newscast, “When it blows [Yellowstone] it could destroy the United States as we know it. [...] That’s what is making us nervous”
I don’t know about you but to me the thought of living in that region is horrifying, but what do I know, I live right near a massive volcano myself in Hawaii.
Later in the newscast the popular physicist points out how a 1000-mile ring of the U.S. would likely be destroyed if the supervolcano actually went. And as scary as that seems to some, we are actually quite overdue for the big one. In fact, the last Yellowstone eruption was thought to have happened around 630,000-years ago, meaning we are 30,000-years overdue for a total explosion.
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