These 11 States
now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed!
now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed!
Last month, the
Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2012, between food
stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average
U.S. Household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government
support. What’s the problem with that much support? Well, the median
household income in America is just over $50,000,which averages out to
$137.13 a day. To put it another way, being on
welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for a 40-hour week, while
the average job pays $20.00 an hour.
Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2012, between food
stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average
U.S. Household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government
support. What’s the problem with that much support? Well, the median
household income in America is just over $50,000,which averages out to
$137.13 a day. To put it another way, being on
welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for a 40-hour week, while
the average job pays $20.00 an hour.
There are
actually two messages here. The first is very
actually two messages here. The first is very
but the second is absolutely astounding – and explains a lot.
but the second is absolutely astounding – and explains a lot.
A recent “Investor’s Business Daily” article provided very
interesting statistics from a survey by the United Nations International
Health Organization.
Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis:
Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received treatment within
six months:
Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it within six
Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within one month:
Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people:
Percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they are in
“excellent health”:
And now for the last statistic:
National Health Insurance?
Check this last set of statistics!!
The percentage of each past president’s cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their
appointment to the cabinet.
You know what
the private business sector is; a real-life business, not a government job. Here are the percentages.
the private business sector is; a real-life business, not a government job. Here are the percentages.
T. Roosevelt……………….. 38%
Taft………………………….. 40%
Wilson ……………………… 52%
Harding……………………… 49%
Coolidge……………………. 48%
Hoover ………………………. 42%
F. Roosevelt………………… 50%
Truman……………………… 50%
Eisenhower……………. …. 57%
Kennedy……………………. 30%
Johnson…………………….. 47%
Nixon………………………… 53%
Ford………………………….. 42%
Carter……………………….. 32%
Reagan………………………. 56%
GH Bush…………………….. 51%
Clinton …………………….. 39%
GW Bush…………………… 55%
Obama……………………….. 8%
This helps to explain the incompetence of this administration: only 8% of
them have ever worked in private business!
That’s right! Only eight percent—the least, by far, of the last 19
presidents! And these people are trying to tell our big corporations
how to run their business?
How can the president of a major nation and society, the one with the most
successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when
he’s never worked for one? Or about jobs when he has
never really
had one? And when it’s the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest
advisers? They’ve spent most of their time in academia, government
and/or non-profit jobs or as “community organizers.”
had one? And when it’s the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest
advisers? They’ve spent most of their time in academia, government
and/or non-profit jobs or as “community organizers.”
They should
have been in an employment line.
have been in an employment line.
Pass this on because we’ll NEVER see these facts in the main stream media
should be forwarded on as here is important information that you never hear
from our mainline news media. They are trying to lull you to sleep while
America gets ready to become a Communist nation under Obama. When his
policies are basically Communist, when his versions of laws are basically
Communist, when he is doing all he can to sabotage free enterprise in
America, when his policies towards Christianity are basically Communist, then
I guess his roommate from college days was correct when he said that Obama
admitted to him that he was a dedicated Communist then. Our news media is so
corrupt. Obama once got taped at a meeting with the public before he ran for
the White House where he admitted that he was born in Kenya, not Hawaii to
illustrate his point that he felt foreigners should have all the identical
rights in America as native born Americans. The news media is a propaganda
rag sheet type operation and a whore for hire to the power elite, not an
honest press and public TV in America. If Obama is for free enterprise in
America, why did he assigne federal operatives to do all they can to try and
block me from setting up a Vatican endorsed food process in America that
could give America a potential world industry maybe as big as the oil cartel
in the world? Obama does not want free enterprise to prosper in America as
this world food industry if established in America has the potential to
create millions of new jobs in America and make America potentially a far
richer nation than it is now! I anticipate I will end up with the finances to
get reestablished my father’s Vatican endorsed food process in America and
this time turn it into a world industry for America. But folks, back me all
you can as Obama will block this if he thinks that he can get away with this.
Obama gave you Obamacare designed to potentially help bankrupt America. He
gave you his Communist policy of trying to suppress carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere which is required to raise food crops across the world. He plays
you for a sucker symbolically speaking a million different ways if you will
go for his con lines.
should be forwarded on as here is important information that you never hear
from our mainline news media. They are trying to lull you to sleep while
America gets ready to become a Communist nation under Obama. When his
policies are basically Communist, when his versions of laws are basically
Communist, when he is doing all he can to sabotage free enterprise in
America, when his policies towards Christianity are basically Communist, then
I guess his roommate from college days was correct when he said that Obama
admitted to him that he was a dedicated Communist then. Our news media is so
corrupt. Obama once got taped at a meeting with the public before he ran for
the White House where he admitted that he was born in Kenya, not Hawaii to
illustrate his point that he felt foreigners should have all the identical
rights in America as native born Americans. The news media is a propaganda
rag sheet type operation and a whore for hire to the power elite, not an
honest press and public TV in America. If Obama is for free enterprise in
America, why did he assigne federal operatives to do all they can to try and
block me from setting up a Vatican endorsed food process in America that
could give America a potential world industry maybe as big as the oil cartel
in the world? Obama does not want free enterprise to prosper in America as
this world food industry if established in America has the potential to
create millions of new jobs in America and make America potentially a far
richer nation than it is now! I anticipate I will end up with the finances to
get reestablished my father’s Vatican endorsed food process in America and
this time turn it into a world industry for America. But folks, back me all
you can as Obama will block this if he thinks that he can get away with this.
Obama gave you Obamacare designed to potentially help bankrupt America. He
gave you his Communist policy of trying to suppress carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere which is required to raise food crops across the world. He plays
you for a sucker symbolically speaking a million different ways if you will
go for his con lines.
So look at my website and
back the Omni Law shown on it which will restore real control of the federal
government in Wash., D.C. to you the American people and take it away from
the power elite who are running the show behind the scenes in Wash., D.C. One
of the Rothschilds once admitted to me that the American people were so
gullible before the power elite, the American people were the laughing stock
to the power elite who really run America, not the American people.
back the Omni Law shown on it which will restore real control of the federal
government in Wash., D.C. to you the American people and take it away from
the power elite who are running the show behind the scenes in Wash., D.C. One
of the Rothschilds once admitted to me that the American people were so
gullible before the power elite, the American people were the laughing stock
to the power elite who really run America, not the American people.
When you
have got a leader who will tell you the truth the news media and corrupt
politicians will not, then back him or else you will end up with no one in
America who will tell you the truth once the honest leaders are gone from the
scene in America.
have got a leader who will tell you the truth the news media and corrupt
politicians will not, then back him or else you will end up with no one in
America who will tell you the truth once the honest leaders are gone from the
scene in America.
We pass the Omni Law which will be easy to do if the American people
seriously back it, we can then give America a giant world food industry based
upon my father’s great food discovery Pope Pius XII once endorsed as
potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ as
it was so important to the world health of the human race. No Omni Law and
probably no giant world food industry for America. Also, I have other
technologies that have the potential to make America the leader in several of
the most important industrial fields in the world including supplying and
solving the water crisis predicted by leading scientists across the world
which is deadly enough could end the human race on earth if not solved. Obama
is the successor to Nero of Rome and fiddling away while America prepares to
burn down as a nation and become a distinct memory of the human race that it
once existed as a nation and race.
So go to my website and join many other Americans who have sent in their
support for my proposed Omni Law to be passed as law in America. It creates a
responsible and honest government in Wash., D.C. to replace the joke we have
in Wash., D.C. which dares to call it a legitimate government when it
has flushed the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights down the
toilet in its mockery of constitutional government and God-given rights
America was founded upon as a nation in 1776.
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