The tired old premise that women who dress a certain way are “asking” for rape has been widely challenged and debunked. Experts in criminal justice as well as psychology have demonstrated time and time again that this assertion is complete fiction. But now an Arizona pastor has come out with the bizarre claim that women who wear yoga pants “deserve” rape.
In an interview with Vice, University of Arizona student Dean Saxton, has defended his position in a video released this week. Saxton preaches under the name Brother Dean Samuel, for reasons that aren’t exactly clear.
Samuel… or Saxton, explained why he protested last month outside a documentarywhich was about 1998 Miss World Pageant winner and rape survivor Linor Abargil.
“She is a beauty pageant contestant and there’s a lot of provocative, you know, seductive pictures of her that she has put out of herself,” Saxton-Samuel said. “I believe that if she was at home, and if she had kept to her Orthodox Jewishness, that rape would really probably would not have happened.”
Saxton held a sign at the protest offensively stating, “You Deserve Rape.” As women passed by, he shouted to them that they must “give up your immodest clothing” and informed them of his belief that “yoga pants are sin.”
“One street preacher said, you know, if you dress like it, you act like it, different things like that, you’re asking for it. Therefore, you deserve rape. And his last three words I felt like were nice, and I decided to put them on a sign, and go to the event.”
“I believe there are certain qualities that may be worthy of rape,” he added. “If a woman dresses proactively, gets blackout drunk, and is wearing really revealing clothing, then I would say that she is partially responsible for the rape.”
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